Eliminating Hepititis - Recovery Enterprises Scotland Ltd

Eliminating Hepititis

A Call to Action

As committed advocates for the elimination of hepatitis C, we are proud that Scotland has been considered a leader in global efforts to tackle this deadly virus. Successive Scottish Governments have, with cross-party support, ensured that ever-increasing numbers of people in Scotland are tested, diagnosed, treated and cured. With the widespread availability and decreasing cost of all-oral treatments which cure over 95% of people, more people than ever before are accessing hepatitis C care.

Eliminating a public health issue that disproportionately affects some of the poorest and most marginalised groups in our society is an extraordinary and eminently achievable opportunity. However, if Scotland is to achieve elimination of hepatitis C by 2030, in line with our commitment to the World Health Organization (WHO) targets, we must renew our political will.

Download the full guide here

Source: The Hepatitis C Trust

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